Area of Forest cover change over time

Map forest cover change for the period 2000 – 2017

step 1: add the area of interest

// set the area of interest
var chl = ee.FeatureCollection("users/servirmekong/Vietnam/CHL_Boundary").geometry();
print("the total area is:",chl.area())

step 2: import the tree canopy cover and tree height image collections

// import tree height
var th  = ee.ImageCollection("projects/servir-mekong/yearly_primitives_smoothed/tree_height");
// import tree canopy cover
var cc = ee.ImageCollection("projects/servir-mekong/yearly_primitives_smoothed/tree_canopy");

step 3: Set the thresholds

// Forest definitions
// Tree canopy greater than (%)
var ccThreshold = 10;
// Tree height greater than (meters)
var thThreshold = 5;
// minimum mapping unit
var mmu = 5;

step 4: Create a list with the years of interest

var years = ee.List.sequence(2000,2017,1)

step 5: create a forest cover timeseries

var forestCollection = ee.ImageCollection({

// set year of interest
var startDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year,1,1);
var endDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(year,12,31);

// get image for the year
var thImage = ee.Image(th.filterDate(startDate,endDate).first());
var ccImage = ee.Image(cc.filterDate(startDate,endDate).first());

// Set the thresholds of the image
var treeheight =;
var canopy =;

// create the forest layer
var forest = treeheight.add(canopy).eq(2);
forest = forest.mask(forest);

// apply the minimum mapping unit
var map = forest.connectedPixelCount(mmu+2).gte(mmu);
return map.set("system:time_start",thImage.get("system:time_start"))

step 6: Plot the timeseries.

print(ui.Chart.image.series(forestCollection, chl, ee.Reducer.sum(), 100, 'system:time_start')
title: 'Forest cover',
lineWidth: 1,
pointSize: 3,


Assignment: calculate the total forested area as a percentage of the total.

Find the example here

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